The Abbey Road cover that Edvard Munch would have painted

Je viens de lire les cinq premières pages du livre de David Crabb, Bad Kid, et je suis déjà fan de son humour. Ce sera certainement ma prochaine lecture, après Anne F.

I also need to apologize to my poor, belabored parents.I’m not sure how far you’ll make it through this book before chucking it in the garbage and joining a support group. Well, another support group. But as the substance abuse, occult activity, and raw sexual obsession detailed in these pages gets to be too much for you, it might help to tell yourselves that I wrote this simply for the money. 
Author’s note: Bigmouth strikes again

There’s really nothing sadder than goth kids in a warm-weather climate. The day’s record-breaking heat made them look like smeared watercolors, a moist wad of painted pleather rolling in slow motion across the pavement. It was the Abbey Road cover that time ignored, the one Edvard Munch would have painted.
Prologue: Superheroes
